Tourism Destination in Malang and Batu City - Batu Malang is one of the favorite tourist destinations around East Java. Batu Malang is located in the highlands, the weather and the atmosphere is cool and cold. With such a natural atmosphere, it is not one of the city into a tourist destination most people in East Java. The following are the attractions and recreational areas in the city of
Malang and Batu that you can visit.
Tourism Destination in Malang Batu - East Java :
Nature Tourism
- Jawa Timur Park 1 Jawa
- Timur Park 2
- Selecta
- Sengkaling
- Batu Night Spectacular (BNS)
- Kusuma Agrowisata
- Coban Rondo Water Fall
- Plantation Tea
Beach Tourism in Malang
- Goa Cina Beach
- Bajul Mati Beach
- Mondangan Beach
- Bale Kambang Beach
- Sendang Biru Beach
- Ngliyep Beach
- Sempu Island
Similarly the above information that we can deliver to you who want to travel to the poor, may can be beneficial article about
Tourism Destination in Malang and Batu City. If there is any question regarding our tour updates or have the experience to spot, please comment and share below in column that we provide.