Hotels Recomendation in Malang - Discussing about the inn is around Batu Malang at a cheap price, depending on the budget you want to save money, and therefore we as service providers Tour and Travel info about the hotel or inn in
Batu Malang, East Java, for you are the business aims or holidays in Batu. Malang Tourism is one of the most favorite in the East Java area and there are many tours that you can visit.
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Recommendation cheap Hotel in Malang.
Hotels Recommended in Malang - East Java
Hotel Mutiara
Address : Jl. Jaksa Agung Suprapto no.30-32, Malang - East Java
Price : 225.100,00 - 335.200,00
No. Telp : +62 341 356667
Hotel Arumdalu Batu
Address : JL. Trunojoyo, No. 66, Malang - East Java
Price : 160.000,00 - 340.000,00 IDR
No. Telp : +628 1358 889 541
Hotel Nirwana
Address : Jl. Arumdalu Nomor 5, Malang Batu - East Java
Price : 160.000,00 - 400.000,00 IDR
No. Telp : +62 3415 596757
Hotel Arjuno Batu
Address : Jl. Raya Punten, Batu Malang - East Java
Price : 75.000,00 - 300.000,00 IDR
No. Telp : +62 81358 889541
Hotel Kartika Raya
Address : Jl. Panglima Sudirman 127, Batu Malang - East Java
Price : 508.400 - 1.404.300 IDR
No. Telp : +62 81358 889541
Hotel Santoso
Address : Jl. K.H. Agus Salim No.24, Batu Malang - East Java
Price : 175.000,00 - 460.000,00 IDR
No. Telp : +62 81358 889541
Hotel Songgoriti Batu
Address : Jl. Raya Songgoriti No.51, Batu Malang - East Java
Price : 175.000,00 - 500.000,00 IDR
No. Telp : +62 81358 889541
Hotel Perdana
Address : Jl. Panglima Sudirman No.101, Batu Malang - East Java
Price : 150.000,00 - 250.000,00 IDR
No. Telp : +62 81358 889541
Hotel Armi
Address : Jl. Kaliurang Nomor 63, Malang -East Java
Price : 120.000,00 - 200.000,00 IDR
No. Telp : +62 81358 889541
Hotel Griyadi
Address : Jl.KH Dahlan Nomor 40 – 42, Malang - East Java
Price : 100.000,00 - 200.000,00 IDR
No. Telp : +62 3413 24169 +62 81358 889541
Hotel Kalpataru
Address : Jl. Kalpataru Nomor 41, Malang - East Java
Price : 130.000,00 - 250.000,00 IDR
No. Telp :
Hotel Pajajaran Park
Address : Jl. Letjend Sutoyo Nomor 178, Malang - East Java
Price : 110.000,00 - 250.000,00
No. Telp : +62 3414 75567
Hotel Pelangi II
Address : Jl. Gajayana Nomor, Malang - East Java
Price : 150.000,00 - 240.000,00 IDR
No. Telp :
Hotel Royal Inn
Address : Jl. Tenaga Baru Nomor I / 5, Malang - East Java
Price : 120.000,00 - 220.000,00 IDR
No. Telp : +62 3414 9440 / +628 1358 889 541