Room Bed and Breakfast - Surabaya |
Recommended Hotel in Surabaya - Before you decide to visit East Java - Surabaya, for leisure or business, all you need is a place inn or hotel to rest, but we also make information ranging from five-star hotel to the lower middle class with a relatively affordable price. in Surabaya is a metropolitan city to the 2 existing in Indonesia and has many tourist attractions, especially the typical culinary dishes eastern Java.
Hotel Bed and Breakfast - Surabaya |
Recommended Hotels here we update most in demand especially by Indonesian and foreign travelers, If you want to plan a vacation to Surabaya certainly no harm in looking and
Cheap Hotels in Surabaya, so you can save more your budget during the holidays and for other purposes. but you should know that by choosing Cheap Hotel and Lodging ter around the city of Surabaya is obviously very different from the comfort and amenities offered by luxury hotels and in Surabaya. The following some our
Recommended Hotel ranging of a five-star to the middle class in Surabaya :
List Hotel in Surabaya :
Hotel Bed and Breakfast
Address : Jl. Jemur Andayani XVII/01, 60236, Indonesia
Price : 290.500,00 - 387.400,00
No.Telp : +62 31 8480022
Hotel Providence Homestay
Address : Jl. Mayjend Sungkono Darmo Park 2 Blok 6 No 18 Surabaya 60225, Indonesia
Price : 90.000,00 - 140.000,00
No.Telp : +62 135 888 9541
Hotel Rotterdam Homestay
Address : Street Nginden Intan Barat No C1-47 Surabaya 60239, Indonesia
Price : 100.000,00 - 300.000,00
No.Telp : +62 31 77775561
Hotel Capsule Homestay
Address : Jl. Kedungdoro no. 50 AB Surabaya 60251, Indonesia
Price : 80.000,00 - 150.000,00
No.Telp : +62 31 5311289
Hotel Sparkling Backpacker
Address : Jl. Kayun 2AB Surabaya Center, Surabaya 60271, Indonesia
Price : 150.000,00 - 260.000,00
No.Telp : +62 31 5321388
Hotel @thome
Address : Gembong 36 M street Atoom Megah Indonesia
Price : 150.000,00
No.Telp : +62 135 888 9541
Riyadi Guest House
Address : Jl. Panjang Jiwo Permai 3/7 Surabaya Center, Indonesia
Price : 160.000,00 - 210.000,00
No.Telp : +62 31 8420704 / +62 135 888 9541
Hotel Andalus
Address : Sultan Iskandar Muda No.65 Surabaya 60151, Indonesia
Price : 160.000,00 - 240.000,00
No.Telp : +62 31 3548425 / +62 135 888 9541
Galaxy Guest House
Address : Perumahan ARAYA, Galaxi Bumi Permai N7-1 Surabaya 60119, Indonesia
Price : 175.000,00 - 215.000,00
No.Telp : +62 31 5999344 / +62 135 888 9541
Hotel Tanjung Emas
Address : Jl. Flores, 27-29 Surabaya 60246, Indonesia
Price : 185.000,00 - 225.000,00
No.Telp : +62 31 5027826
Victory House
Address : Galaxy Royal Palace B-11 (Dharmahusada) Jl. Mojoklanggru Kidul Blok F Surabaya 60117, Indonesia
Price : 190.000,00
No.Telp : +62 135 888 9541
Orchid Guest House
Address : Jl. Bongkaran 49 Indonesia
Price : 190.000,00 - 220.000,00
No.Telp :
IKIRU to live Hotel
Address : Ngagel Jaya Selatan 3 / 3 Surabaya 60283, Indonesia
Price : 200.000,00 - 370.000,00
No.Telp : +62 31 91706998 / +62 135 888 9541
Farila Guesthouse 2
Address : Dukuh Kupang Timur XX/52 Indonesia
Price :200.000,00 - 280.000,00
No.Telp :
Henny Executive Homestay
Address : Jl. Dukuh Kupang Gang 29 No. 71 Surabaya 60225, Indonesia
Price : 200.000,00 - 275.000,00
No.Telp : +62 31 5679571 / +62 135 888 9541
SWK 95 Hotel
Address : Jl. Siwalankerto 95 Surabaya 60236, Indonesia
Price : 220.000 - 420.000,00
No.Telp : +62 31 8482088 / +62 135 888 9541