Tourism Attractions in Surabaya Indonesia - Surabaya as city of heroes and also as the capital of East Java, the city is also known as the second city the second largest after Jakarta. Naturally imagine what your minds, if thought about the word metropolis? course contents with the city, traffic, vehicle, rush hour, high buildings and so on. But make no mistake, Surabaya has many
Tourist attractions that must be visited along with other historic places. The name itself is taken from the word Surabaya and suro boyo. Sura has the meaning of the crocodile fish and Boyo. According to the first myth fierce battle occurred in the region between Suro and Boyo that last for days to determine the winner.
For those of you who visited the place at city of of Surabaya this, do not forget to stop by the tourist places around city of heroes and enjoy culinary tour. We
Bromo Dreamland Tour will present information for those who want a vacation with your beloved friends and family. Following
Tourism Attractions in Surabaya Indonesia.
List of Tourist Places at Surabaya - East Java
- Mosque Al Akbar(Masjid Al Akbar)
Pasar Bunga Bratang
Patung Budha Empat Wajah
Taman Bungkul
Masjid Cheng Hoo
Ciputra Waterpark – Taman Air Ciputra
Citra Raya
City Hall
Monumen Gubernur Soeryo
Stasiun Kereta Gubeng
Kuil Hong Tiek Hian
Museum of Sampoerna
Jembatan Merah / Red Bridge
Pelabuhan Tradisional Kalimas
Pasar Bunga dan Taman Kayoon
Pantai Kenjeran
Kya – Kya
Museum Mpu Tantular
Surabaya Orchids Market
Monkasel – Submarine Monument
Masjid Sunan Ampel
Kebun Binatang Surabaya
Pelabuhan Tanjung Perak
Monumen Pahlawan dan Museum 10 November 1945
Makam dan Museum WR. Soepratman
Suramadu Bridge (Jembatan Suramadu)
7 Culinary Tourism at Surabaya and Chiness Food
Restoran Sederhana Masakan Padang
Depot Mak Ay
Kedai Sajikoe
Seafood Yunghoo
Soto Chee Bye
Depot Soto Banjar Ahmad Jais
Kuningan International Seafood Restaurant
Depot Kalimantan
Kwang Tung Restaurant
It is our the
Tourism and Culinary information that we can deliver around Surabaya, Hopefully this article can be helpful for those of you who want to travel or visit to Surabaya, East Java - Indonesia.